These beloved classic tales by children’s author Judith Kerr follow the hapless adventures of Mog, the Thomas family’s very forgetful cat. Join Mog for a trip to the V.E.T, listen in as her peaceful day is turned tail-side up when a bouncy baby comes to visit, find out what happens in Mog’s Bad Thing and more! Five charming stories of mishaps and mis-adventures
will leave little listeners truly delighted and asking for more of Mog.
Track List
1. Mog the Forgetful Cat
2. Mog and the V.E.T.
3. Mog and the Baby
4. Mog’s Christmas
5. Mog’s Bad Thing
Running time: 64 minutes
Suitable for: 3+
WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard. Small parts. Toniebox required for use. Wi-Fi connection required for initial setup.